
Your Web3 passport

sahi hai

Obvious empowers you to break the shackles of isolated chain ecosystems and experience the true interoperable web3 world.

Your Web3 passport

sahi hai

Obvious empowers you to break the shackles of isolated chain ecosystems and experience the true interoperable web3 world.

as easy as Web2

FaceID / Fingerprint / PIN enabled

Wallet recovery with social logins & OTP

Truly your wallet

Your keys, your crypto - self custody

You love us, but not depend on us

It's time to take control

Powerful features


Smart Contracts without the Greek and Latin

Understand first, sign later


Only technology, no paperwork Obviously secure


Set limits per transaction and not let people drain all our crypto away in one txn.

And more +

Family account, Cold Wallet support, Payment mandates

Coming soon

It's time to take control

Powerful features


Smart Contracts without the Greek and Latin

Understand first, sign later


Only technology, no paperwork Obviously secure


Set limits per transaction and not let people drain all our crypto away in one txn.

Coming soon

And more +

Family account, Cold Wallet support, Payment mandates